Custom Projects by Three Brothers Bats

Email: [email protected]
Call: 608-612-0448
Visit: 136 Elm St E, West Salem, WI 54669 (call for hours/appts)

“The FAmily Tree”

In the spring of 2022 we were contacted and given an opportunity to do a special project. The Cramer family has a farm in southeast Wisconsin that has been in their family for almost 200 years, spanning 5 generations and counting. One of the oldest and largest trees on the property had recently died and was cut down in the fall of 2021. The tree was very special to them, and they wanted to do something with the lumber that would symbolize not only the importance of the property to their family, but would also serve to honor their late mother and grandmother Alice, and all the generations before her. As they are a big baseball family, they decided it would be cool to have some bats made using the lumber from the old tree. They gave us a call and pitched the idea to us, and we were honored and thrilled to accept. Here you’ll see some photos that will take you through the entire process from start to finish.

If you have an idea for a project, please reach out to us and we’d love to help!